Sergi Delgado Segura

Sergi is the lead developer and maintainer of The Eye of Satoshi, a Lightning watchtower. His FOSS work is currently sponsored by Spiral. Prior to that, he was a Bitcoin researcher and educator.

Dive deeper

Read - TxProbe: Discovering Bitcoin’s Network Topology Using Orphan Transactions

TxProbe: Discovering Bitcoin’s Network Topology Using Orphan Transactions

Listen - Hashing It Out #68 – Sergi Delgado – Whatsat and Lightning

Hashing It Out #68 – Sergi Delgado – Whatsat and Lightning

Listen - Episode 17: Sergi Delgado

Episode 17: Sergi Delgado

Watch - Towards a better understanding of Bitcoin by Sergi Delgado

Towards a better understanding of Bitcoin by Sergi Delgado

Watch - Review técnico Taproot: esto es lo que se viene para Bitcoin

Review técnico Taproot: esto es lo que se viene para Bitcoin, con Sergi Delgado y Diego Gurpegui

Read - How Big a Problem Is Dust for Bitcoin?

How Big a Problem Is Dust for Bitcoin?

Watch - La vida de una transacción: De la Wallet a 1 confirmación con Sergi Delgado de Pisa Research

La vida de una transacción: De la Wallet a 1 confirmación con Sergi Delgado de Pisa Research


Payable with bitcoin only.
Los salvadoreños que compren una entrada con descuento deberán mostrar su DUI en la puerta.

Ticket price schedule

Last Minute until November 14


At the door on November 15


It‘s going up forever, Laura