John Carvalho

CEO at Synonym, creating an ecosystem of software and protocols to accelerate and facilitate hyperbitcoinization and an alternative new economy. John has been focused on Bitcoin and Bitcoin products for 10 years.

Dive deeper

Watch - If it looks better, it works better

If it looks better, it works better

Watch - Architecting a Self-Sovereign Economy with Synonym

Architecting a Self-Sovereign Economy with Synonym

Listen - Slashpay - Bitcoin Payment Negotiation

Slashpay - Bitcoin Payment Negotiation

Watch - Bitcoin Maximalism

Bitcoin Maximalism

Listen - Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinions

Listen - The Biz

The Biz

Read - Lightning Network consensus is a marketplace and that's okay!

Lightning Network consensus is a marketplace and that's okay!

Listen - Defending Bitcoin with John Carvalho

Defending Bitcoin with John Carvalho

Watch - Tales from the Crypt #79: John Carvalho

Tales from the Crypt #79: John Carvalho


Payable with bitcoin only.
Los salvadoreños que compren una entrada con descuento deberán mostrar su DUI en la puerta.

Ticket price schedule

Last Minute until November 14


At the door on November 15


It‘s going up forever, Laura