Paul Itoi

Paul Itoi is channelling major creative energy into two projects that exemplify the revolution of the Lightning Network and genuinely empower digital workers and content creators – Sphinx & Stakwork. At one time his creative energy went into his Art major, oil painting or the violin but now it’s this zeitgeisty software development and time with his family.

Dive deeper

Listen - Closing the Loop 02 - Paul Itoi: Stakwork, Sphinx Chat, and the Bitcoin Lightning Economy

Closing the Loop 02 - Paul Itoi: Stakwork, Sphinx Chat, and the Bitcoin Lightning Economy

Listen - Once Bitten 156- sphinx_chat Founder Paul Itoi - The Future Of Using Lightning To Build Private Social Networks

Once Bitten 156- sphinx_chat Founder Paul Itoi - The Future Of Using Lightning To Build Private Social Networks

Read - 21ism - Block 008 - CODE - Paul Itoi

21ism - Block 008 - CODE - Paul Itoi

Listen - Bit Buy Bit EP95 - Paul Itoi Sphinx & Stakwork

Bit Buy Bit EP95 - Paul Itoi Sphinx & Stakwork


Payable with bitcoin only.
Los salvadoreños que compren una entrada con descuento deberán mostrar su DUI en la puerta.

Ticket price schedule

Last Minute until November 14


At the door on November 15


It‘s going up forever, Laura