Roman 'Chimbera' Martinez

Chimbera is a native of El Zonte and is one of the community leaders of Bitcoin Beach. When talking about the success of Bitcoin adoption in El Salvador, it is impossible not to talk about Chimbera. His work as an evangelist and educator was crucial in bringing the circular economy to life that eventually lead to the adoption of Bitcoin in the country of El Salvador.

Dive deeper

Watch - Bootstrapping Bitcoin Adoption

Bootstrapping Bitcoin Adoption

Watch - The Bitcoin Beach Wallet - The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado - Bitcoin Magazine

The Bitcoin Beach Wallet - The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado - Bitcoin Magazine


Payable with bitcoin only.
Los salvadoreños que compren una entrada con descuento deberán mostrar su DUI en la puerta.

Ticket price schedule

Last Minute until November 14


At the door on November 15


It‘s going up forever, Laura