Johns Beharry

Johns is a hybrid product designer and software engineer from a tiny island in the Caribbean, researching user experience of bitcoin payments and privacy, whose presence within the Bitcoin Design Slack is as ubiquitous as bitcoin itself. Johns is also a co-organizer of the popular BOLT.FUN and "Shock the Web" hackathons where Lightning developers come together regularly to tackle existing challenges in Lightning.

Dive deeper

Watch - If it looks better, it works better

If it looks better, it works better

Listen - Privacy & Payments

Privacy & Payments

Watch - MCCVR 2020: Design Bitcoin for Everyone

MCCVR 2020: Design Bitcoin for Everyone

Watch - Design bitcoin for everyone - Christoph Ono, Johns Beharry

Design bitcoin for everyone - Christoph Ono, Johns Beharry


Payable with bitcoin only.
Los salvadoreños que compren una entrada con descuento deberán mostrar su DUI en la puerta.

Ticket price schedule

Last Minute until November 14


At the door on November 15


It‘s going up forever, Laura