Kenichi Kurimoto

Kenichi is the CEO of Nayuta inc, a Japanese company that develops Lightning Network related products, from protocol to application. Kenichi is member of Lightning Dev Summit at Adeleide 2018. In early days, Nayuta was one of the contributors of Lightning Network protocol, and currently concentrate developing LN wallet and Application.

Dive deeper

Read - Nayuta Claims Its Android Lightning Wallet Is the First to Build in a Bitcoin Full Node

Nayuta Claims Its Android Lightning Wallet Is the First to Build in a Bitcoin Full Node

Watch - Kenichi Kurimoto & Hitomi Moriyama on Nayuta, Lightning & Bitcoin

Kenichi Kurimoto & Hitomi Moriyama on Nayuta, Lightning & Bitcoin


Payable with bitcoin only.
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Last Minute until November 14


At the door on November 15


It‘s going up forever, Laura